[2023 PENTAPORT F&B Queenssmile Reservation Open]
The reservation for "QueensSmile" will be open💥
You can receive food whenever you want without waiting
Install the 'QueensSmile' app from the App Store, Google Play Store and reserve food.
Apart from the pre-booked quantity, we have on-site sales quantity prepared. Both pre-booking and on-site purchase through kiosks are possible.
Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival 2023
✅Date : 2023. 8. 4(FRI)-6(SUN)
✅Location : 송도달빛축제공원(Songdo Moonlight Festival Park)
#IPMF2023 #IPRF2023 #2023펜타포트락페스티벌 #PENTAPORT2023 #PENTAPORTROCKFESTIVAL #인천 #INCHEON #펜타포트락페스티벌 #펜타포트 #PENTAPORT #락페스티벌 #ROCKFESTIVAL #음악축제 #MUSICFESTIVAL #인천펜타포트 #queenssmile
[2023 PENTAPORT F&B Queenssmile Reservation Open]
The reservation for "QueensSmile" will be open💥
You can receive food whenever you want without waiting
Install the 'QueensSmile' app from the App Store, Google Play Store and reserve food.
Apart from the pre-booked quantity, we have on-site sales quantity prepared. Both pre-booking and on-site purchase through kiosks are possible.
Incheon Pentaport Rock Festival 2023
✅Date : 2023. 8. 4(FRI)-6(SUN)
✅Location : 송도달빛축제공원(Songdo Moonlight Festival Park)
#IPMF2023 #IPRF2023 #2023펜타포트락페스티벌 #PENTAPORT2023 #PENTAPORTROCKFESTIVAL #인천 #INCHEON #펜타포트락페스티벌 #펜타포트 #PENTAPORT #락페스티벌 #ROCKFESTIVAL #음악축제 #MUSICFESTIVAL #인천펜타포트 #queenssmile